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Cryogenic amplification system for ultra-low noise measurements

G. Lombardi, M. Macucci, R. Giannetti, B. Pellegrini

3rd European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics - WOLTE 3, Düsseldorf (Alemania). 24-26 junio 1998

We present a low-cost ultra-low-noise cryogenic amplifier, which has been developed for the investigation of shot noise suppression and enhancement in double-barrier resonant-tunneling devices. Results of the noise measurements performed on the amplifier operating at liquid nitrogen temperature are discussed and compared to those obtained at room temperature.

DOI: DOI icon

Fecha de publicación: junio 1998.

Lombardi, G., Macucci, M., Giannetti, R., Pellegrini, B., Cryogenic amplification system for ultra-low noise measurements, 3rd European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics - WOLTE 3, Düsseldorf (Alemania). 24-26 junio 1998.


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